| 1. | Mobile mouse control screen , the star , when the star objects coincide with the activities , press left can hit targets 移动鼠标可以控制画面中的准星,当准星与活动物体重合时,按下左键即可击中目标。 |
| 2. | Native american indians used turquoise for healing and warriors afixed it to the end of bows to insure more accuracy in hitting targets 绿松石是古老宝石之一,有着几千年的灿烂历史,深受古今中外人士的喜爱。 |
| 3. | In the fire control system , cannon shooting efficiency and injure probability are raised by block hit system of multiple hit target 作者建立的拦阻射击体制下的多重命中体制提高了火炮系统的射击效能和毁伤概率。 |
| 4. | So we need more effectie strategies and once again combination treatment is of utmost importance to try to hit target blood pressure in these indiiduals 因此我们还需要更有效的治疗策略,而联合治疗对于让这些患者达到血压控制目标具有非常重要的作用。 |
| 5. | So we need more effective strategies and once again combination treatment is of utmost importance to try to hit target blood pressure in these individuals 因此我们还需要更有效的治疗策略,而联合治疗对于让这些患者达到血压控制目标具有非常重要的作用。 |
| 6. | The laser weapons have many unique characters , such as short response time , high hit target precision etc . and become the ideal weapons to countermine the ir imaging guided weapons 激光武器以其反应时间短、灵活性强、命中精度高、对付多目标等独特的性能,可能成为对抗红外成像制导武器的理想武器。 |
| 7. | Mortars are high - angle weapons that are relatively short range and can safely be used to drop rounds close to friendly forces ( when in the defense , a mortar can hit targets as close as 70 - 100 meters away from the gun position with ease ) 迫击炮是高射角武器,射程相对较短,可以为友军提供安全的近距离支援(在防御战中,一门迫击炮可以轻而易举地打击距离炮身70 ? 100米的目标) 。 |
| 8. | Israel hit targets across the country , causing some 300 deaths in the past week for the loss of at least 25 israeli soldiers and civilians , many killed by hizbullah rockets reaching as far south as haifa , israel ' s third city 以色列袭击了全国范围各个目标,在过去一周导致超过300人死亡,而至少25名以色列士兵和居民的死亡,大部分是由真主党发射到以色列第三大城市海法南郊的火箭造成的。 |
| 9. | Targeting to the real requirements of refrigerator production in the strong competition of the current globalised marketplace , this thesis introduced the principle of the agile virtual enterprise into new refrigerator development project to meet the diverse needs of customers . based on the idea of concurrent engineering ( ce ) , new product development must be taken into consideration in order to adapt the rapid marketing change , to obtain agile responsiveness and reduce the time to market , to achieve lower price and better product quality and high chance to hit target 本课题的研究针对美的冰箱项目的实际需要,根据当前冰箱市场竞争的态势,把敏捷虚拟企业的理论运用美的冰箱项目oem模式之中,根据市场需求的多样性,提出了新产品开发模式必须适应市场需求,快速反应,开发周期要短,性价比要优,命中率要高,因此必须引入敏捷开发模式。 |